Interaction with Clients
Five Ways You Can Improve Interaction with Clients
The old adage “A happy customer is a loyal customer” is the key to building business, especially in this present age where everything is dependent on clients’ satisfaction and feedback. As more and more businesses are expanding their outreach by converting to social media as their main source of generating clients, it is becoming harder to attract clients and even more significantly, keep them happy.
You don’t necessarily need to turn into Aladdin’s genie to reel in devoted clients. You only need to make them feel like their queries, their problems, and their concerns are your biggest concerns as well. Real-time help is 80% of the work customers test you on.
Primarc Studio has been providing its architecture and interior design services in Islamabad since 2017. We have built long and loyal relationships through positive and impactful interaction with clients. Holding on to existing customers isn’t nearly as costly as reeling in new ones. Architecture firms need to revert to the old practice of treating clients like royalty to ensure customer satisfaction.
Of course, this isn’t to say that your products aren’t of value but the golden rule of business is to provide valuable service to clients. Happy customers are customers who have their needs met consistently and efficiently, and these needs vary from customer to customer but some seriously overlooked yet minimal efforts requiring ways to improve interactions with clients are listed below.
Don’t Patter On And On:
Effective communication is an important skill for any professional. Using clear and concise words to communicate and interact with clients promptly is essential to retain their loyalty. Maintaining transparency in discussing projects and the challenges which may arise in them is shown to have a higher positive impact on the client’s perception of the service provided.
It’s also wiser to keep the clients up-to-date on progress while staying organized with respect to the information needed to show professionalism in your conduct. This can be easily done by maintaining separate profiles that cater specifically to their individual needs, both physically and online.
Live chat support, one-on-one meetings, or a scheduled phone call to reassure your clients that they are your top priority. No matter how loyal your client gets to your architecture brand, refrain from using jargon while interacting with clients.
Be Attentive: Establish a Human Connection
A healthy client-professional relationship is impossible without empathy shown on both sides. Gaining a client’s trust and getting their support is easy when they feel like they are being treated with dignity and respect.
We tend to listen to their concerns actively, and respond after we have taken a moment to reflect on how we would feel in their shoes. It is easier said than done, but dealing with many different clients over the years we have learned that offering resources or referrals to resolve their concerns has shown to build strong working relationships.
While doing all this it is imperative to approach all clients with a non-judgmental outlook. Personal interactions make clients feel more valued as opposed to offering pre-emptive outdated FAQs. On this note, do pay attention to ensuring that the FAQs are updated frequently. Regularly updated FAQs( Frequently Asked Questions) will take care of half of your customer interaction.
But to ensure this you need to be alert to the problems customers are facing in their attempt to reach you. Live chat service is a prompt and efficient way to resolve their complaints in record time. It also keeps you in the loop about the problems which others may be facing.
Remember, for every complaint you get, there are probably ten complaints you haven’t heard about because the dissatisfied clientele simply left. This is why brands pay more attention to customer feedback and polls on their products to fix the issues which may potentially harm their growth.
It’s All For The ‘Gram: Letting Your Brand Spread the Message
Primarc Studio also has social media presence on major sites like Instagram and soon on Tik Tok! These socializing sites are a gold mine for attracting new customers. The algorithms can land you customers in direct proportion to your interaction with clients.
However, it is essential to have a social media team that actively responds to any queries in real-time otherwise neglected customers will tarnish the overall experience for any new clientele. It is no surprise that nearly all brands are resorting to customers as brand advocates. Your customer knows your brand or perceives ‘your’ brand, better than you and they are the best source of creating new customers.
Likewise, it is imperative that you take plausible feedback into consideration as it will help you tackle the issues which may be weakening your relationship with the consumers. It’s also the best way to read their minds and identify where their needs aren’t being met and brainstorm to fix those issues.
Talk shop: Quality over Quantity
Accountability is indispensable in a professional relationship. Clients can be assured that you hear them and value their input through a follow-up discussion summary. This should be done with a purpose and not overwhelm the client.
A pre-established mode of communication should be taken up to respond to clients, keep them updated, and for general communication purposes. Keeping a summary of discussions will enable both parties to be on the same page and avoid miscommunication issues.
A short survey, review, or appraisal of your client’s experience with your service at the end of projects will guarantee a better satisfaction level with another client. Sending them a short site visit summary can also keep them on track with your visits and how helpful were the visits to them. Taking their suggestions to improve the service will pay off better in the long run.
Of course, measuring customer satisfaction can be troublesome when you rely on reviews or word of mouth. To simply evaluate your service, a satisfaction simple CSAT (customer satisfaction score) form attached to the end of service provided can help generate an approximate level of assurity on the client’s satisfaction level.
This survey will help you cover your bases, grow, and learn where your service is lacking. Of course, a simple rating scale won’t do this, go the extra mile and contact the dissatisfied clients to portray that you really do care about your clients and your brand.
Keep on changing: Understanding Communication
Lastly, it won’t hurt to treat each clientele (really can’t stress this enough) with a bit of respect. Regardless of the good or bad experiences, your ability to learn from them and your willingness to bring in the necessary change for the growth of your professional career will make each project memorable for you and your team. It’s not going to be a piece of cake making sure that each client is happy, you’re not Aladdin’s genie after all.
However, by keeping all the lows and highs of business in check, you’re going to do just fine if you give your client the best working relationship they can expect. Take the time to get to know your clients and build a personal connection with them. This can help to create a more positive and lasting relationship. By following these tips, you can improve your interaction with clients and build stronger relationships that can benefit your business.