Blog: Architecture Thoughts, News and Updates

Steel bars used in structure design

What is Structure Design

Structure Design in Architecture   Structure design in architecture refers to the process of designing and planning the structural elements of a building or other structure. The method of...

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Masterplanning in architecture

Masterplanning in Architecture

The Importance of Masterplanning in Architecture Masterplanning in architecture is a concept that often goes above our heads. Typically, it refers to the process of designing and planning the...

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Basics Renovation Opinion - Facade uplift of Jamal House - Farmhouse in Gulberg Greens, Islamabad

Basics Renovation Opinion

Renovation Basics in Primarc Studio’s Opinion. Unless you live under a rock or altogether boycotting social media, you have probably come across hundreds of reels or vlogs on renovation...

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What is Residential design

What is Residential Design

Residential design: Residential design refers to designing and planning the layout (appearances such as façade, inner spaces, the connection of spaces, and functionality) of a residential building, such as...

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Oculus device used in Virtual Reality (VR)

What is Virtual Reality (VR)

What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that allows users to experience and interact with a computer-generated environment in a way that feels real and immersive....

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Reinterpreting Interior Design and bedroom design

Reinterpreting Interior Design

Before my NCA phase (National College of Arts), a pet peeve was how everything was brushed swiftly under the generalized term architecture design. Granted, I was guilty of taking...

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What is Architecture Design

What is Architectural Design

  Once every now and then my teacher’s voice resonates in my ears with the idiom “Experience is the mother of wisdom”. While working with clients at Primarc Studio,...

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